Galaxy Glass

Galaxy glass:
Planet Earth is just one of over one hundred billion planets in our Milky Way Galaxy.
In the Universe there are estimated to be over three hundred billion galaxies outside of our own.
Thinking about the Earth's place in our Galaxy within the greater Universe helps us better understand we are all one and the health of one is the health of all.
When you drink from your Galaxy glass may you be reminded of unity and filled with love.
Thank you for supporting small business during this time and also area organizations that are helping the community. 50% of the proceeds from this glass will go to support a local not-for-profit organization adversely effected by COVID-19.
Please Choose Which Organization You Would Like To Support:
As COVID-19 continues to impact our community through the closing of businesses and schools, households at risk of hunger become increasingly more vulnerable. The Rhode Island Community Food Bank has been working hard to distribute food to our neighbors in need through their statewide network of food pantries and meal sites. They've also been adapting operations to meet the increased demand, particularly among vulnerable populations like children and seniors
Because of underlying health issues, weakened immune systems and limited access to healthcare, individuals and families experiencing homelessness are at a greater risk of contracting the Coronavirus. Crossroads Rhode Island continues their ongoing efforts to move people out of congregate shelters and into housing, where it is easier for their clients to avoid infection and practice good hygiene.
The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council is prioritizing the work they do to ensure the health and safety of people who live within the Woonasquatucket River Greenway. The Greenway is open and available as a safe space for walking, biking, and enjoying nature. The Greenway serves as a vital corridor for transportation and an essential place to breathe fresh air. WRWC is happy to report that folks who live in or near the Greenway are out and about enjoying the early springtime while maintaining safe social distance.
During the good times and bad, art is a source of hope, healing and inspiration. During this challenging time, WaterFire is working to keep art in people's lives and to keep the community connected without in-person gatherings. WaterFire provides daily updates to keep people connected to local art, culture, artists and small business whose creative spirit brings joy to the lives of others.
When life returns to normal, our friends at WaterFire will continue to bring you the magical art experiences that you’ve come to expect over the last 25 years.